The title of this blog sounds like something a four-year-old would say, and it is! But how often do we as adults strive for success the “easy” way (taking the elevator)?
Success is never easy. I wish it were. So many try to achieve goals by taking the elevator instead of doing the hard work it takes to succeed. I get frustrated with the stairs and try the elevator to get to whatever goal I strive to meet. Unfortunately, the elevator plan rarely works. (I want to say never, but somewhere someone would disagree with me.)
I am trying to lose weight. I am not doing a very good job because I want to become healthy and not have to do all the work. I dislike cooking, so I have chosen to use the NutriSystem Diet. I do well when I stick to it; I have lost 25 pounds! However, I enjoy going out to meals with friends and attending organizations that serve meals; frankly, there are times that I need buttered popcorn.
I also am not fond of exercise. I have a friend who encourages me to ride my Peloton or go for a walk six days a week. I know exercise is healthy for all aspects of life, not just weight. Even though it is true that I require exercise, I don’t want to do it. I often talk myself out of exercising. I have so many excuses, none of which are valid.
· I got up too late
· I don’t have time to do my hair before I must be at ___________. My hair is medium length, and it takes a little time for me to make it presentable.
· I am tired.
· I don’t feel good.
· I don’t want to.
I am working on changing my mindset to take the stairs of life to succeed in my diet. I know it will be hard work, but I am more likely to carry through with the goal because I am telling all of this to you.
The following is what I am willing to do to succeed:
· Take my diabetes seriously and quit cheating on allowable foods.
· Eat at home more often and stick to Nutrisystem’s diet.
· Fix vegetables to enhance the meals.
· Exercise four days a week.
· Track my food.
· STOP making excuses.
Many items are on that list, and I can’t get on the elevator and change everything at once. I need to move forward one step at a time. Tomorrow I am willing to take my diabetes seriously and exercise. I know I will feel better and have the will to stay on a healthy diet.
One of my issues is willpower. The following are some ways to increase willpower.
· Believe in Yourself. For years we've been told we only have a certain amount of willpower, but more recent studies show that may not be the case.
· Set Clear Goals.
· Make a Plan.
· Keep Busy.
· Reduce Stress.
· Get Support
· Avoid Temptation.
· Practice Mindfulness.
I encourage you to take your first step in meeting a goal!
